The International Unorthodox Prophetic Preacher Apostle CAROLYN EDWARDS was spiritually educated under the leadership of her mother Pastor Mary Lee Spears. Trained and taught the way of Holiness. Before going into ministry, Apostle Carolyn worked with dysfunctional families in the state of Alabama for 7 years as a family care Specialist, Counselor and Mentor. After a life of physical and mental abuse, depression, anxiety, molestations, rapes, divorces and many more trials and tribulation, she accepted the call of God on her life. Carolyn served as a faithful disciple. After the passing of her mother Pastor Spears, she was ordained the Pastor of Faithful Few International Church.
As time passed Carolyn began to travel from state to state and internationally. God called her to Lansing, Michigan where she founded a ministry for hurting woman called Woman of Pain My journey continued on to Chicago, Illinois. Carolyn met and married Bishop Lyle Edwards. They began to travel around the country teaching, preaching, equipping, establishing and overseeing churches. Currently, Carolyn and her husband are overseers of several churches throughout the United States From the south through the Mid-east and West Coast the two oversees many ministries. She is an author of five books, mentor of youth and demon slayer. Her prophetic gift is unprecedented and unique, unlike you have ever witnessed.
Apostle Edwards is a strong believer of the word of God and walks what she talks. She preaches the uncompromising, hard-core Doctrine. She walks in the office of Prophet. The anointing that flows from her is like a two-edge sword.
Currently Apostle Edwards is the founder and Sr. Pastor along with her husband Bishop Lyle Edwards of The True Anointing Deliverance Ministry International Inc